(Affiliated to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University,Srikakulam,A.P.)

Ichapuram Rattakanna Road, Ichapuram, Andhra Pradesh 532312

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Publications, Patents & Awards

DEPARTMENT OF Physics PROFILEEstablished : 2008



To Build A Foundation For Excellence And Encourage The Development Of The Institution As A Premier Institution By Igniting And Promoting Enthusiasm, Interests And Passion, In The Study Of Physics, In Professional Courses, As A Part Of Curriculum.



  • To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical Physics, through dedication to teach, commitment towards students and innovative instructional methods like PPT & Visual Aids
  • To support the developmental activities of the College and make the Department vibrant.
  • To make vital contributions in areas such as faculty, modern labs, and demonstrate a high level of competence in the study of Engineering  Physics.
  • To organize and sustain efficient operating systems in the Department for realization of our objectives as Institution of eminence and International standards.
  • To develop strategy in the Department for continuous Improvement.

Programmes Offered



B.Sc  (M.P.C)   Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry

B.Sc (M.P.Cs)   Mathematics,Physics,Computer Science

B.Sc Physics (Major)

Programme wise Student Profile (Current year data)



No. of Students


1st B.Sc H (Physics)



2nd B.Sc (M.P.C)



2nd B.Sc (M.P.Cs)



3rd B.Sc (M.P.C)


Teaching posts and Non-Teaching Posts

Teaching Sanctioned Post : 01,    

Non - Teaching Post (Oursourcing) : 01 Store Keeper,  01 Lab Attender

Programme wise Student – Teacher ratio

Teacher Student Ratio - 1 : 29

Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

Teaching Strategies :

  1. Active Learning

            Strategies that encourage students to think and learnt.

        2.Critical Thinking

            Focusing information gathering, organizing, analyzing,

            integrating and evaluation.

        3. Cooperative Learning

             Encourages small group of students to work together for the

             achievement of common goal.

        4. Making Field Trips :

             Learning by teaching, lecturer with discussion

        5. Using ICT, Audio Visual Tools (Virtual Lab)

        6. Conducting Seminar Group Discussions, Online Quizzes,

            Just a Minute

        7. Making Science models, Posters on recent innovations

Details of Infrastructural Facilities

1. Physics Department Lab


2. Digital Class Rooms


3. Green Boards of Teaching


4. Department Books available in Library


5. Sufficent Furnitures


6. Available Lab Equipments


SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans


  • Highly qualified and experienced faculty member and energetic and encomiastic supporting staff

  • Our Students have been selected in various competitive exams like Postal  and a large number has joined as lecturers in government/ private  colleges and Schools.

  • Confidence building through seminars and group discussions and personality development through interactive sessions

  • Department gives platform to the students to show their potential and knowledge by conducting seminars and giving projects etc.


  • Student-teacher ratio is unexpectedly high at the UG level.

    • To teach and conduct practical classes of the students with poor foundation
    • Having Moderate lab equipments
    • To inculcate leadership in students , so that they are able to employ their knowledge/ skills;  and contribute constructively to the society by playing a  proactive role of a PROBLEM SOLVER.


  • Confidence building through seminars and group discussions and personality development through interactive sessions

  • Department gives platform to the students to show their potential and knowledge by conducting seminars and giving projects etc.



  • To cope-up with the students from rural and tribal background.

  • Student-teacher ratio is unexpectedly high at the UG level.

  • To teach and conduct practical classes of the students with poor foundation and

  • Having no Departmental Library.

Future Plans


  • To encourage the students to enroll NPTEL /SWAYAM online Courses


  •  To organize national conferences and workshops.


  •  To motivate the students to attend summer/winter internship programmes.


  •  To Publish research articles in peer reviewed Journals periodically.